Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Tattoos are Talking Points...
I found myself in Wal-Mart on Halloween night at 9:30 buying food for our Bible Study group the next day. I pulled into the one of many checkouts open...apparently no one shops on Halloween(all out being scary:). Anyway, the guy working had a HUGE tat of the grim reaper, which was sort of ironic being on Halloween and all. Before I even thought about the words leaving my mouth I was asking him about his tattoo. He told me how it reminds him of how he almost died. He told me the story and I was then able to ask him if he knew where he would go when he did die one day. He looked at me puzzled, I explained the gospel to him and asked him to think about that question every time he looked at his tattoo. I invited him to the college Bible Study and we figured out we knew some common people.
He told me I should get a tattoo, I told him I was too much of a whimp to get one. He advised I should just be intoxicated then it wouldn't hurt as much, I told him that probably wouldn't be a good idea. I have thought about a tattoo, the Hebrew letters for integrity, that is probably what I would get "IF" ever! So, being intoxicated wouldn't really go with that theme :) We laughed and parted ways! I was on a high though, because being in the midst of something God is doing is thrilling! I knew that night I was right where God wanted me to be, and it was peaceful!
So, what started out as a usual run to Wally World turned into a divine appointment...
Thursday, December 17, 2009
10 Great Memories on My 10th Anniversary
1. The births of all three of our boys (the walk down the hallway to Sam, the late night run to the hospital for Joeler, the mid-day call that Ash was on his way).
2. The early morning run on my wedding day. Dec. 18th 1999 at 7am I was up running with Joey and Adrian around the campus of SHSU. I was so nervous about the wedding I felt like I could run forever. I couldn't believe I was about to be married to Michelle and even though I was tired from playing video games the night before (sadly) I needed that run.
3. Dancing to Bing Crosby's "White Christmas", Caedmon's Call's "Somewhere North" to my wife on our wedding day. So thankful my mom talked sense into me that I needed to have a dance. I have to throw in Frank Sinatra Christmas CD that we played in Fredricksburg on our honeymoon.
4. Letters and pictures from my girlfriend Michelle Marquart when I was in Indiana preaching bad sermons and she was in California in the summer of '99
5. Watching "Muppet's Christmas" in a Super 8 Motel the night after Samuel was born. Eating fast food on the bed and glowing all over with joy.
6. Being overdressed for a play in Dallas on our second anniversary. We were decked out and everyone was wearing jeans. Expensive tickets. Casual atmosphere. Bad planning. Lots of laughs.
7. Michelle wearing a blue dress and meeting me at the airport after 3 weeks away on an Istanbul study trip. I was so glad to be home and couldn't wait to see her. She made welcome home signs and put them all over our seminary house.
8. Snorkeling down a river in Mexico called "Tres Rios". Laughing at all the misadventures of the trip too many to count (on just one day).
9. Countless encouragements when God has spoken to me through Michelle. I can be so wound up with an issue or discouraged by something it can feel like barbed wire. How many times after talking about it on a date or through prayer, it unravels like cheap yarn?
10. "Robbie there's a roach in the bed!" nuff said.
Can I have another 10?
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Why Santa Comes to Our House (this year)
1. Santa is make-believe. We are a house filled with make-believe. Everyday I come home I'm blown up at least a dozen times, downsized to a Lego man, turned in to a monster, then back to a superhero. We act out countless scenarios of good guy/bad guy. Before I kiss them goodnight we talk about how breakfast will be chocolate-covered crickets and squiggly worms. Santa stays in the category of make-believe--the same place where fairy tales and kids stories thrive. Should his bowl full of jelly belly ever eclipse the Savior, it will be toast. Pun intended.
2. Santa is generous. Let's face it. After every whiny kid has peed his pants on cheep red felt telling Santa what he or she wants, Santa just keeps giving. Year after year. Outside of some stale cookies, nobody every thinks to give Santa a gift. Superman comes and goes and hangs out incognito most of the time, but Santa works year round in his giving frenzy (or at least his elves do). Since we're having fun, we'd like to highlight that charity.
3. Santa has potential. Since he's make-believe you can make him into whatever you like. This year our Santa will love Jesus. In fact, he goes around the world at great cost to himself to tell people the good news of the birth of Jesus. He gives everyone gifts to remind them of the greatest gift ever given--the gift of God's Son. Okay, a little hokey--but none of their Playmobile pirates do that (yet).
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Great Tattoo...
"Wow. I like your tattoo. What's the story behind that?" You can launch in to all kinds of topics from there that are all relevant to me.
For instance, "did that stinking hurt?" [big one for me]
"How did you finally choose that one over another one?"
"Will you get another one?" etc.
"What's it mean?" [from here it's pretty easy to cross over from the temporal to the eternal and into the spiritual. Many times a tattoo has real significance]
Yesterday at Legacy Books I was meeting someone to talk about college ministry in our church. We ended up talking with a great guy that works there about his tattoo.
It led into a great conversation about his life, moving to Frisco and his hopes of obtaining a better life here. We were able to talk about the church we're apart of and invite him out. Good conversation.
Leverage the tattoos all around you.
Tell someone today...
Friday, December 4, 2009
Parenting is Incarnational Ministry
We've been gone for a few days on vacation and it's no surprise to us that today has been tough. For one, we usually need a day for everyone to readjust. But all three boys have been sick. Last night I noticed one of my boys had what looked like chicken pox all over his body and his cough hasn't improved in 3 weeks. Moreover, our 1 year old has had a barking cough. So while it snowed in Houston I took our oldest to the doctor for the bumps all over his skin while Michelle took our youngest to another doctor for his cough.
Since my oldest son has had strep throat he's familiar with the "swabbing" that makes him gag. Today he wanted nothing to do with the test.
The nurse cajoled. I encouraged. The doctor demonstrated. Nothing seemed to work.
I had to get down on my knees, look him in the eyes with a cotton swab in my mouth and take the journey of suffering with him. He was able to muster the courage to swab his own throat as he watched me swab mine.
This afternoon the same son struggled desperately with the taste of the cough syrup. It was less than strawberry flavor. Less than pancake friendly. We cajoled. Encouraged. Threatened. Insisted. I even put sugar in it. Nada.
Desperate for him to finish his teaspoon I asked, "it tastes bad doesn't it?" His head nodded. "It tastes gross?" Affirmative. "I'm so sorry. Come sit on my lap and tell me."
He lamented the strawberry vile of despair--he wept with great sadness. But he finished the medicine. When I put my anger to death and quit trying to sell it as "yummy" and just met him in his fear it made all the difference.
Tonight was the same. After celebrating Christmas with family the boys were wired. Didn't want to go to sleep. At. All. I spanked. Stated the case. Commanded.
But tonight I needed to get down on the carpet. Forget the coughing. Forget that they are contagious with strep and I'll probably get it. Forget the tickle when you swallow. I needed to lay in the guest room in the dark and let them hear me breathing. They needed me to be with them--near them--go through it with them. It made all the difference.
Moments like this remind me of my own need--my own restlessness--for God to come down to me--in my helplessness and need. What I'm so often reluctant and unwilling to do God did with no reserve hesitation (John 10:18).
Note the steps of God's journey to us from Philippians 2:6-7.
Though equal with God in resplendent glory and perfect fellowship of joy, Jesus...
"made himself nothing..." [low]
"...taking the form of a servant..." [lower]
"...being born in the likeness of men." [lower]
"And being found in human form," [lower]
"...he humbled himself" [lower]
" becoming obedient to the point of death," [still lower]
"...even death on a cross." [lowest]
In the mercy of God salvation comes through the incarnation of the Son. This incarnation displays the eternal glory of God's heart for lost, desperate, and miserable sinners.
Sinners like you and me. Sinners that need a Savior to come down to us. To meet us where we are. A Savior willing to do the unthinkable and be near us--with us. This incarnation looks us in the eyes and makes us come face to face with courage-inducing love.
Parenting gives us plenty of opportunities to incarnate the love we profess to our children--and in so doing remind us of the One who did this perfectly for every time we don't or even won't.
His love can make me thankful for the tickle I feel in my throat.
Who Do You Say I Am?
If you've sat through a time share pitch or something similar you're familiar with the approach. Great location. Great opportunity. Great deal. Great pressure in the final few minutes.
Ours was a good experience from a man who professed to be a born again Christian of 8 years. He had two couples who were Jehovah's Witnesses buy the plan the day before. I noticed he had a book in his pocket and he later pulled it out to show us "What the Bible Really Says." A gift from the couple he thought were Christians.
Walking past the tanning aged on the way to slurp lemonade with the closers he asked, " guys are pastors. What's the difference between what these guys believe and others?" He showed the book that was given as a gift.
I said the biggest difference is their understanding of who Jesus is. For Jehovah's Witnesses, Jesus--for all his exalted status as the "firstborn" is still a created being. He is not one with the Father. To legitimize this belief they have their own false translation where the "word was a god" rather than what the Greek clearly says (John 1:1). This is what separates them from being Christians.
Justin replied, "it comes down to what Jesus asked, 'who do you say that I am (Matt. 16:15)?'"
Saturday, November 28, 2009
LA Fitness Fiasco....

I'm in Houston till tomorrow. We fly out for a few days in Mexico to celebrate our 10 year anniversary.
On Thursday morning to prepare for the onslaught of the American feast I went searching for a place to work out. Although I have a membership (till January) at 24 Hour Fitness I went to the LA Fitness down the road to see if they'd let me work out for free.
There were not many people there but the 3 salespeople (2 girls and 1 guy) were there to hear my pitch. I'll spare you of the details but I went in to the situation very sales-like. I have an agenda. I'm going to appeal to their desire to sell. I'm going to present myself as a buyer in the hopes of getting a free pass for a few days.
And that's what I did. I told them I canceled my membership at 24 Hour (true) and I was in town with family (true) and that I'd like to see if they'd give me a pass for a couple days because who knows, maybe I'll become a member of Lifetime in the future (not true). I acted a bit arrogant and pushy. I was wearing clothes that didn't fit.
I justified this language purely from a sales perspective. Even though I know there is no Lifetime even close to our home, I knew it unlikely to get anything free if I went completely honest. Therefore I did what you learn from the world and the American mileau.
"Well...since you don't live in the area...we can only offer a pass for $15 a day." I declined it and said there were plenty of Lifetimes in Dallas. The guy said "Let me look them up for you..." in hopes of probably convincing me that I should buy a plan today etc.
"No thanks...if there's no option to try the gym..I'll go down the road."
And I did. I actually found a 24 Hour down the road and they let me work out for free. Mercy.
However, while I was working out I was convicted about the approach I took. What I thought was a sound, legit approach actually was worldly and dishonest. What I thought was wise was only according to worldly wisdom and didn't reflect the pure honesty of Jesus Christ my Lord. I was reminded that I had wanted to share the gospel with folks in Houston while I'm here, and now the Lord was giving me a chance.
You want to share the gospel? Go back and apologize to those salespeople and tell them why--Jesus is your Lord and you spoke dishonestly.
I work out extra hard when there's something I'm nervous about later in the day and that workout was no exception. Those 20 pound dumbbells took a beating.
I drove back to the LA Fitness. All three salespeople were there. Egads! Breathing heavy from my workout and from nerves...
"Hey...uhh...just wanted to come back and apologize. I'm a Christian and Jesus is my Lord and I think He wanted me to come back and tell you that I spoke dishonestly. It would have been fine to present myself as a buyer if I really was one--but I'm not. I was just trying to get something for fee. I apologize. I should have just asked if you had any free offers."
I noticed as a shared the girls seemed to smile and let their guards down. The guy expressed appreciation. The Lord seemed to be at work. Moreover, I felt power from the Lord where before it was purely flesh.
Thankful for the unexpected opportunity to witness the freedom that Christ brings--from my own unbelief.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Lottie Moon once said "there is no greater joy than the saving of souls"
Spurgeon once said, "it is a joy worth worlds to win souls."
Jesus said, "there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” (Luke 15:10)
Tonight I concur.
Friday, November 6, 2009
"It Comes From Yourself"
It turns out he's Jewish. He mentioned some tragedies he's experienced and how death doesn't frighten him.
I asked if he has a local synagogue he attends and he said he hasn't been for many years.
At one point he mentioned pursuing happiness.
I asked, "where does happiness come for you?"
As an intro to his answer he said, " comes from yourself."
Thursday, October 29, 2009
I Shared the Gospel!
His first words,
"Rob! I shared the gospel!"
He went on to tell me the details about how the Lord impressed him to share the gospel with a guy he met and how he struggled through his fears until he called him up and shared the good news of salvation through Jesus. It's an amazing story.
I was stoked.
About a half hour later I'm washing my hands in the restroom and noticed a guy who works landscape next to me washing what looked like pears.
I left the restroom and suddenly remembered the story of how God used my friend, and considered the guy still in the restroom. The thought crossed my mind that we had Spanish-written booklets in the office. I could grab one and come back.
So...I did.
I came back to the restroom. There was the guy. There were the pears.
"Do you speak Spanish? [affirmative]
"Hey here's a booklet in Spanish that talks about Jesus." [grateful response]
He went on in broken English to tell me he is from Honduras and spoke favorably about Christianity. He even said that based on my pronunciation of his name and the word "Honduras" that I should consider taking more Spanish because I'm "good" at it.
Thankful for God's work in my friends life. His work with the guy with the pears. His getting me through Spanish 3. His getting me out of what has felt like a dry and weary land.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Pray for Boldness...
One thing I'm painfully aware that I should have been painfully aware of the past few weeks in my growing decrease of talking with people about Jesus Christ has been my lack of being with Jesus Christ, asking for what I need most.
You see, it's tough to talk boldly about Someone you're not seeking boldly.
Moreover, it's tough to have the kind of burden that embraces people when you're lacking time in prayer asking God for it.
Yesterday I was in Subway eating a $2.50 turkey sandwich a few feet from a white collar guy with his tie tucked in his shirt. He was a furious eater, but didn't seem like he was too much in a hurry. We're just digging in. Seemed like a ripe opportunity to say...I don't know...something...anything to talk about Jesus.
Here's where I started...
And the more I thought about it, I considered saying...
Then on second thought, I wondered about this approach...
So, after a while of nothing, I left Subway. That's right. Back to my cozy chair in my sheltered office consoling myself the way you do when you missed an opportunity, "oh...well...better effort next time."
Today I'm aware that what was missing was not a card, a booklet, a catch-phrase, a penetrating question, a mysterious Christian t-shirt, the offer of a minty Testimint, a U2 cross-over, or something ultra-relate-able that would be a Golden Gate Bridge to gospel conversation.
I was missing a boldness that only comes from being with Jesus.
Nothing more. Nothing less.
Gloriously and painfully simple.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Who are the People in Your Neighborhood?
Michelle and I are now living in a new neighborhood.
So far we've been here for 2 weeks since the move. With all the activity that goes with a new move, I don't want to miss out on an opportunity to connect with my neighbors and set a good tone. My experience has been that it's much more difficult to reach out to your neighbors after 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, go by and you haven't walked across the street yet.
I once read something challenging in a Willowcreek magazine that basically charged folks to be known on your block as the most compassionate person around as a witness for Christ--to pursue people in such a way that they know they can turn to you in need.
Please send me any suggestions you have that have worked for you, or that you've seen demonstrated in others that incarnate the greatness of Jesus in a neighborhood...
Monday, October 12, 2009
Going Solo in Subway...
I noticed two guys sitting next to me that appeared Indian. With little thought (and in reflection almost zero prayer contributing to the progress of the conversation) I decided to ask them if the resurrection of Jesus would matter to them.
"Sorry to interrupt. Just reading a book about the resurrection of Jesus and was curious if you believed in the resurrection of Jesus and if it matters to you."
Both guys were cordial--one guy talked for them. "It doesn't matter. It wouldn't matter."
"So if you knew with certainty Jesus rose from the dead proving himself to be God--basically that Christianity was true--it wouldn't matter?"
He said confidently it would not. He and his friends are Hindus. We talked a little bit about how he believed in many gods and sins are forgiven simply by appealing to the god(s) of your family and saying you're sorry. When I asked him if the many hundreds of gods would compete for your alliance he said, "it doesn't work that way" and said the gods of your family pretty much stay with you. Up until now it was cordial but very cold--with no seeming interest I just felt totally at loss to keep the conversation going. In retrospect I was foolish to go into that flying solo without really pausing to call on God's power and help.
The "this is awkward" part came when I said thanks and was picking up my things to leave. I felt like I couldn't at least invite them to church. When I said I was a pastor and would love to have them come to the church sometime I received an immediate shaking of the head like I was selling a new and exciting business opportunity.
"no. no. uh uh" while heads wagged to say, "never in a million years." I said thanks but turned around licking my wounded pride at the tiny rejection and wondering if anyone in Subway saw the evangelical shoot the air ball.
These moments are good for me. It teaches me about my total need for God's help and dependence on Him. It reminds me that I've got no power on my own and only God's power can deliver. It reminds me that I'm often more concerned about my reputation and the way I look than about people.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Do you have a Church you go to?
Last night we
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Pray for Pacific Islands
Waves 20 feet high have literally swept what is believed to be at least 100 people into eternity yesterday in the Pacific Islands. I got the news from Pete while eating a Smores at their home last night.
God empower your church to reach out in compassion that's stronger than 8.0 in magnitude and higher than 20 foot waves. Shine the light of Christ and him crucified for your glory in the hearts of thousands.
"Let them give the Lord the honor he deserves; let them praise his deeds in the coastlands (Is. 42:12)."
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Trying to Cast a Net in Fish Express...
My mind was busy thinking about other things and I could tell she was in a hurry too.
"Is it slower today than usual?" [legit question--really was slow]
"'s very slow today..."
"I sometimes meet people for lunch here--I serve as a pastor in a church and our offices are in the building across the street." [hoping for a door to open in the conversation here]
"yep." [no go. I didn't have much else to say here]
It seemed like all the elements were there for an opportunity for the gospel, but the conversation never really got off the ground. Maybe I should have been more bold, but this is how it goes sometimes.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Leave Myopia
The other day I found myself in an Autozone picking up some parts. As I walked up to the counter I was aware of my coldness toward the young man at the counter. Well, let's be honest. I was not aware of my coldness at all. I saw a guy that was not like me in many ways--and to be honest--in that moment--I didn't particularly like him. Yep. The Pharisees got nothing on my spiritual maturity (Luke 18:11). There you go. It's the backward forest my heart often retreats to. The caverns of tunnel-vision. The hills of self-preservation and short-sightedness.
In the mercy of God I had to go back to the same shop in less than 30 minutes for a different part. The thought crossed my mind, "is there a second chance here?"
I wish I could say that upon seeing the young man the second time waves of bubbly love swept over my soul like a Journey song but I'd be lying. As I got the part from the young man and went to pay I didn't feel different about him. Nothing seemed to change until I decided to climb what felt like the high dive and could feel my need for God.
"Hey, here's an invitation to our church--we'd love to have you sometime." [wanted to leave it there]
[and for the dive] "...and this booklet talks about what I live to tell people--that Jesus died for me and rose from the dead." [not that clear...a bit choppy]
I'm not sure what happened in the young man's heart, but as he took the lit and thanked me, something happened in me. Suddenly, unexpectedly, and subtly I could see his eyes for the first time. My ears could hear his voice. My mind could think about his family--his sister he mentioned living with nearby. He became a guy with a story complete with his own dreams, hurts, and needs--most of all the need for Jesus.
He suddenly became very much like me.
I want the picture of his eyes to burn off the frost that collects like cataracts on my own. Jesus gave his life away to free me from myself and give me power to walk in His reconciling love and away from joyless self-interest. He lives in me to empower me to leave my kingdom and live for His.
For the eyes of tomorrow--let's exodus Myopia and get on with it...
Monday, September 14, 2009
What is Faith?
And though you have not seen him, you love him, and though you do not see him now, but believe in him, you greatly rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory, obtaining as the outcome of your faith the salvation of your souls (1 Peter 1:8-9).
There are 3 things Peter describes in these two verses as aspects of the word "faith" and they all relate to the activities of the heart in relation to the invisible King and Savior Jesus.
1. You love him (v. 8)
2. You believe in him (v. 8)
3. You rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory in him (v. 8)
Peter assumes all those activities are involved in some measure in "your faith." No wonder it's a miracle. No wonder only God the Spirit deposited in us can pull this off. No wonder we need to recover this understanding of faith and share with the world that it desperately needs God's own power in them to produce a faith of love, belief, and joy in the living Christ to be saved forever.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
It's Free...Really...
To conclude our orientation for the new "EC"s on Saturday we split up in teams of two and went to high traffic areas around town to give away $1 McDonalds coupons attached to a "How Good are You?" booklet that has information about our church. The goal was not to get into as many long conversations as possible, or to bait and switch, but to give them something for free as an expression of the free offer of God's love in Christ and in hopes of generating some "wow" which could lead to a conversation about the gospel.
Me and a friend named Will stood outside of the front of the mall and fanned out $1 coupons and said, "hey, free coupons to McDonalds if you're interested...grab a sweat tea or ice cream." As easy and fun as it was, I was still in need of grace. I find getting "out there" and doing anything in the name of outreach is like throwing on a Halloween costume--you know it will be fun--but you still have to get comfortable with it and make it your own.
It's amazing how easy it was to do, as well as how many folks assumed a catch at first glance. "Free" doesn't mean free in a consumer culture. Some folks were just plain suspicious. I don't blame them. I'm usually in lock-down "robot" mode when I see dudes passing out stuff. But the majority of people were surprised and thankful. Helping to demonstrate what "free" means can be a great avenue for communicating the love of Christ.
It took only 30 minutes and made a great memory as well as opened up several conversations about the gospel.
Find something to give away to folks and tell someone today...
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Dude Looked Like a Lady
No joke.
He wasn't a dude trying to pass as a female. He was a guy in a dress getting coffee. He strolled in with as cavalier a demeanor as the cable guy on the second day. I moved my eyes around the shop to see if anyone seemed shocked, embarrassed, startled, or anything.
Not even a ruffle or nervous giggle.
I just wanted to pop my head up and say, "dude---help me understand--why?" But I just stared at my computer as if we were in downtown San Francisco at the Jamba Juice and this is normal. He got his coffee and left as Tuesday afternoon as it gets.
There are a couple of things that make me thankful for the guy in the yellow dress. Here they are...
1. Thank you for coming clean. We live in a very moralistically blurry area indeed. Unless this was a dare or something you seem to be showing your stripes. You love the world. We get it. You haven't left us wondering if the allegiance of your heart is with Jesus Christ, or the world that He's made. It's very easy for folks to hide their true allegiance and their primary love in a melting pot of affluence, churches, causes, and family values. I don't know you yellow dress man, but if that's for real--what you communicate is an honesty of your heart in what can be a synthetic carnival of shadows.
2. Thank you for rebuking me. I so rarely get asked the fundamental question I want to ask you, "why?" I want to ask you the reason why you're driven--even in the face certain opposition and suffering--towards that decision? Why does hopelessness seem to beget more courage than hope? Peter says the normal Christian life can at times be described as "always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you (1 Peter 3:15)." I'm not saying that you wearing a dress on Tuesday afternoon doesn't have an obvious advantage to a Christian being faithful in his cubicle week after week, but it does beg the question, "where does my allegiance to Jesus make those around me ask, what in the world is up with that guy--what is the reason for the hope that he has?"
Pray for the yellow dressed man--and for us to out-hope, out-rejoice the promises of the world by the hope that is in us...
Friday, September 4, 2009
Next Door Neighbor...
I was able to pray for him and was thankful that he told me. Moreover, I was thankful that the Lord gave me the courage to walk across the street and meet him a few weeks ago. At the time it felt awkward but the Lord gave grace. I've never read Bill Hybel's book "Just a Walk Across the Room" but the title alone challenges my unbelief.
There are untold numbers of relationships the Lord is eager to give us if we respond to His leading.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Assume Nothing...
I was aware that the conversation had gone well and I was equally aware that I didn't want it not to. My flesh was resisting the Spirit's desire to to move the direction of the conversation to the eternal big time. Nothing new--typical garden variety fear of man. I never look the part in Autozone as it is and I didn't want to be considered a foolish zealot to the men there.
As I walked around the store texting I thought about the fact that the guys at the counter will one day stand before Jesus as supreme Reality. On that day nobody is going to wish we had talked about him less--no matter how poorly we got the words out--or how foolish we felt.
I asked the man if he went to a church somewhere. He looked surprised but not as surprised as I was about to be. From the bottom of my heart I assumed he didn't go anywhere. So goes my hunches.
"well...I go to the LDS church in Denton."
Surprised, I asked, " you've been a Mormon for several years...were you raised a Mormon?"
"no...32 years ago a Mormon missionary knocked on our door. Seemed like the right thing for my wife and I to do. Our kids have all done missionary work. Our church is busting at the seems and we're needing to build."
[waves of sinking feelings come on me when I hear of happy news like this]
We talked briefly about how their services go on Sunday and that our church meets across the street from the church in Frisco he referenced. The battery was handed back to me charged and he had some other customers and our conversation ended. As a parting word from a sensed interest from me he said, "you should come and visit sometime...see you later."
In a terribly awkward way of saying goodbye I squeaked out, "Thanks. I might do that."
If he could read the thought bubble above my head the sentences would have said something like...
"I mean that. I would like to visit but never to listen for one moment to a gospel that promises a jesus that is not equal with the Father--a jesus that is created and who is simply us at our best. I would like to visit and tell everyone that there is freedom from the cozy bars of blind legalism--of emotionalism--of subjective stirrings based not on truth--of the treadmill of religious performance--of a heaven and no hell--of the lies of the devil who would seek to cloud you from the truth of the faith once delivered to the saints (Jude 1:3). I would like a chance to dare everyone to read the Bible on their own and come away with any sense that the Bible leaves open the possibility of new revelation to come, or a future restoration. I would like to see the Jesus written of by the Apostles be bowed down to like Thomas when he looks at the resurrected Christ and declares "my Lord, and my God (John 20:28)"--to see whole groups of families discover freedom and joy in being saved by the works of Another and declare Joseph Smith as a false prophet who wandered from the faith and renounce any other means to God except personal trust alone in Christ alone of the Bible alone."
Pray that we will see Mormons come to faith in Christ through our witness in Frisco. Pray that the love of Christ from the church would be a compelling voice to the revelation of Christ in his word. God burns for his prodigal sons and daughters.
Again. Assume nothing in reaching out to people. Let's tell people the news they've never heard.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Going for Broke in Walmart
I thought, "okay, so what do you do if you don't have an invite?" The thought crossed my mind, "well, homeboy, maybe you just trust the Lord and ask him to tell you what to say to someone." Whoa. I've seen prophetic people in action and I wouldn't consider that my gift. However, I also believe that God pours this gift out on the church broadly for the purpose of witness (Acts 2:14-41). I thought, "why not go ahead and trust the Lord and ask him?" The worst that could happen is I look like an idiot--which given my interaction with my wife would simply be expanding the audience.
Since I'm no spiritual slouch--the first thing I did walking in to the store was repent for my attitude. In case you're wondering--it's difficult to call upon the Lord when you're angry. Done.
When I got inside I went to customer service and was told by the sales clerk it was okay to get my fruit and return to her. Super. I got my fruit and while I was bagging it up--I asked the Lord if there would be anything I could share with her.
I thought one thing and just as quickly recoiled, "no you're just making that up." Then another thought ended up being "no. that's not the Lord." I did this for a while before I asked what she may be burdened by. The thought crossed my mind that she was burdened for someone in her family. The more I thought about it I wondered if it was a sister. Staring at the marinade I prayed really hard one last time. "Lord, I'm willing to share this, but I don't want to get this wrong--please help me in this." It was about that glamorous.
I got back in line at customer service and approached the clerk. As she was writing my information down we exchanged a few lines and I decided to go for broke and throw it out there.
"You wouldn't have a concern for a family member right now would you?" [gulp]
She stopped what she was doing and stared at the paper. I couldn't tell if my impression jarred her or if she was mentally reviewing her Walmart safety manual under "handling freaks". Still writing she said,
"Yes...I have a family." I was aware that any human being on the planet could say yes to that question. I was also aware that outside of thinking it may be a sister it was all I had--and couldn't help but wondering if it was right.
"Well...I was just praying when I got the fruit and had that thought cross my mind. I felt the Lord wanted to communicate his concern and love for whoever you're concerned about." She nodded like she was trying to process it all.
Feeling unusually bold and really pressing in I said, "is it a sister?" [double gulp]
With the same look that I couldn't quite figure out she responded, "....I have 6 sisters." [score...I thought better than "uhh...I'm an only child"].
I told her I was a pastor in a church and hope that my thoughts didn't freak her out and wished her a goodnight. I walked out thinking either I was right on and I could have asked her some more questions, or I was way off. Either way I felt that I'd acted in faith and that pleased the Lord (Rom 14:23).
I'm learning that living by faith is messy. Like anything, evangelism is not about getting to a place where you have no more fear--it's about growing out of love with not looking like a fool. I don't care how cool you dress--how culturally relevant--how missional--nobody gets away with attempts at exalting Jesus with their image intact (John 3:30).
In the end, the Lord would make us His ambassadors through varied gifts and experiences (2 Cor. 5:20). May we put our pride to death and let Him speak through us. I believe He will do it.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
"She Died 3 Months Ago..."
I was hot and sweaty. Not at all in the talking mood--but my friend Aaron encouraged me to share the gospel with whoever tows the car. So with all the power of my now drained Duralast car battery, I agreed.
Henry let me climb right into the cab (I only asked if it was cool after I was in the truck).
In situations like these I usually ask about any points of contact that could bridge over into talking about the gospel. In this situation, we ended up talking about his friend who is my mechanic which led to us talking about family. I was jarred by what he told me.
"Do you have a family--are you married?"
"Yes.......but my wife died 3 months ago."
He went on to tell me that she suffered from a brain tumor that she fought for months in pain until it finally took her life. He said he has a 12 and 13 year old who are functioning ok despite the loss of their mother.
It's not everyday you get a chance to see past the clouds of temporal to the blue of eternal. In the midst of things as common as alternators breaking down, sun-glassed successes on cell phones, and the smell of Marlboro came the uncommon reminder of mortality. The pain still raw. Tomorrow my boys' mom will take them to Chuck E. Cheese for Joel's birthday. His will be getting ready for school next week without their mom--for the first time in their lives.
We ended up talking about Jesus, church, and how he turned to Christ in prison 9 years ago. He talked of the difference that receiving Christ has made on his life--although the love that he experienced in a prison ministry was never replicated on the outside. I invited him to our church. "If you want to find a loving church--you will find it here." I'm thankful I can say that with sincerity.
I was thankful for the life-giving breath of the reality of death on Monday. Every day thousands of people all around us walk away from this tiny, broken world and step into eternity. Even more bow down to it in blind madness (John 3:19; 1 John 2:11; 2 Peter 2:17).
I pass by a thousand Henrys a day who have never been fortunate enough to spend time in prison to hear the gospel. Am I reaching for them (Jude 1:23)?
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Don't Waste Your AAA...

On Friday after work Craig Cabaniss and I were driving home from the office in my rockin '98 Nissan Sentra. When we got to Legacy and Main here's what the conversation in the car was like:
Rob: "Uhhh...Craig it's dying. car is literally dying." [trying to cover the panic]
Craig: "do you have AAA?" [radio-voice cool as the car slowly grinds to a halt]
Rob: "uhh...I decided to not renew it this year." [honestly...I haven't used it in 2 years]
Craig: " a 187,000 miles--it might be a good idea." [leadership gift in action]
Rob: "right about now we need a pastoral prayer Craig." [err...totally serious as Craig hits the flash button]
Craig: "Well...pull over to the side, I'll use my AAA card and there's a shop down the road we can tow it to." [ Jesus sleeping in the boat]
You have to love guy that doesn't freak out on you when your car dies during 5:00 traffic on a Friday. Moreover, a Frisco police officer drove up and I wondered if I was going to get a ticket. Instead, he asked us to push it to the other side of the road. You need to picture Craig pushing a beater down Legacy while Beemers and Jags drive by in a huff and I clumsily steer to get an idea of his friendship. That's love guys.
You also have to love that Craig took the opportunity to get to know the Frisco police officer and hear his story and invite him to church. While I was on the phone figuring out rides, I could hear him asking him questions, giving witness to God's grace on our church, showing respect and taking an interest in someone who is not in a church.
I don't recommend this outreach as a mission strategy to reach the city--but on Friday--it was God's open door for us.
Don't waste your AAA--buy up the opportunities and tell someone today...
Friday, August 14, 2009
Never Trust Your Gut...
1. Your gut lies to you. Call it your "intuition" or your "sense" or your "feeling" or your "wisdom" based on the past, or whatever, Jeremiah will call it the heart and he tells us its not to be trusted as ultimate truth--especially when our pride tells us we could lose some face (Jer. 17:9). Your gut doesn't always get it right.
2. You're an idiot. Don't get angry--it's just that you don't know everything and that's okay. Only God is omniscient (all-knowing) and that means we're supposed to do what the old song says when it comes to reaching out, "trust and obey...for there's no other way..." In other words, we fool ourselves when we assess a situation based on human wisdom, and then make a decision to either act in self-effacing love or defer based on what we evaluate about the individual or situation.
Today I was at Verizon getting info from my old phone (that recently took a dive in the toilet) to my new phone. The woman that served me was very helpful and cheerful--but for whatever reason, I just didn't have a strong "sense" that much would happen one way or another if I initiated an invite to church.
I was once again *dead* wrong.
We had a great conversation. She shared about her life and was thankful for letting her know about our church. She is in a place of looking for a church in the area.
I left reminding myself I don't know anything about anybody at anytime and that's a good thing. I'm a creature dependent upon a Creator who has come to me through Christ.
Trust and obey--there's no other way to be happy in Jesus--than to trust and obey...
Put your gut to death...
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Don't Invite Like a Wimp
"You guys busy today?"
"...not bad for a Monday"
"Here's an invite to church.....if you don't have a church..." [I could see the cloud of witnesses collectively roll their eyes..]
"It's away from here, but I do have one I go to sometimes."
I went to get the wire and thought about intensity and whether that last attempt was done with any real enthusiasm. Seemed like she might as well asked, "bro, do you like your church?" based on that effort.
Note to myself and anyone reading--if you're going to invite someone to church man up, and do it with boldness. Don't invite someone to church like a wimp--as if it's a great alternative to a dentists appointment. Talk of it as what it is--the place of joy, deep community, and transformation by Christ's unique presence. Better for them to think you're a freak than unengaged with ultimate reality.
I got the wire, we played on the John Deere's and I went to pay. I noticed there was someone else.
More enthusiastically this time, "I serve as a a pastor at this church. We'd love to have you come out sometime." [I know I used the pastor line--but didn't lean on it too hard]
She paused and looked over the card like she was really considering.
"Where do you meet?" [yeesss.....] I told her.
"What denomination are you?" [interesting question that comes up a lot] "we're non-denominational."
"okay...okay....I'll consider it.."
Don't be like attempt #1. Go bold. Tell someone today...
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Blockbuster Bondage...
On our way home we decided to stop at McDonald's to get the boys some cheeseburgers (yeah...can you say Sunday and we like it easy?) and after a conversation with my brother (who I trust with any movie recommendation) to Blockbuster to rent "Taken" (which we just finished watching...not for the faint of heart but A+)
When we stopped at McDonald's I found it fairly easy to invite the girl to church and give her a card--although Michelle told me she was taking an order while I was going outreach. Oops.
Then we drove across the street to Blockbuster and I jumped out to get the movie and I felt a tug that made my heart sink a bit.
I reached back in to grab my pocket NT with the Piper booklets church invites. Having that with me as we drove into the parking lot kept me honest.
"You know what's tough for me Michelle (stating the obvious) it is...Blockbuster." I closed the van door and walked inside--going straight for the T's. [I've learned over the years it helps to know what you're going for when you're heading into a video store]
Maybe it's the fact that you can hardly rest your eyes anywhere in the store, or the Speed-racer attitude I have inside Blockbuster but frankly thinking Kingdom in video stores is the farthest thing from my mind. My faith usually feels pretty small. Today I feel like the Lord helped me.
I got the movie, my cash, and the Piper booklet with the invite tucked inside. The guy who took the video went right in to talking about the movie.
"Yeah we've seen these go fast. It's one of my favorites. In this movie you finally see the action hero do everything you want him to do."
We talked briefly about the movie, I paid and then I invited him to church. He seemed a bit indifferent but was polite.
Michelle and I watched Taken tonight and it's true. Liam Neeson plays an ex-spy father who goes after his daughter's kidnappers and rescues her by relying on his skills as a killing machine. His love for his daughter is relentless and he stops at nothing to get her back and bring about justice.
If we ever get a chance in the future I'd love to tell the young man I met today of another Father who goes beyond this father's love for his children--and of a Son who rescues sons and daughters not by killing but by being killed himself. He's more relentless than the dad in Taken.
Thankful for the Lord's help in Blockbuster today.
CiCi's To Go...
While I was in there I met a guy waiting on his pizza. Great conversation. I was aware I didn't have any church invites or anything else. I asked him if he goes somewhere. He said he worked on Sunday but was thankful for a local church where his teenager daughter goes.
He seemed like a great guy to get to know. I invited him to our church.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Michelle at the Gas Station
We had to get gas on the way. Michelle ran in to get coffee. I stayed behind and pumped the gas.
Michelle decided to give whoever was at the counter a booklet on the gospel--even though we were miles away from the church.
When she got back in the van we sipped hot gas station java. She said a lady was a the counter.
"I just wanted to give you talks about joy in God and you can read it sometime today."
"okay...thanks..." She responded.
Michelle said she wished she'd said something else--like it was a half-hearted effort.
I disagree. I believe she read or will read that sometime today--and there is power in the gospel.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
David Lived Bold...
"I have told the glad news of deliverance in the great congregation; behold I have not restrained my lips, as you know, O Lord.
I have not hidden your deliverance within my heart; I have spoken of your faithfulness and your salvation; I have not concealed your steadfast love and your faithfulness from the great congregation." (Ps. 40:10)
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
God dropped my cell phone in the toilet...
You see, I joined my wife at Costco yesterday for cheap lunch and to see about getting a new phone (I want to upgrade but it's not in the budget..or cool with my plan). I can currently receive calls but can't see who's calling, text, or anything--just a blank screen.
I went to the Verizon kiosk and was surprised to see the same guy that sold me the phone a year ago working there. I had recently returned from the Pastor's College and needed a phone. He was very helpful and we ended up talking about religion. He described himself as open to Christianity but studies all the religions of the world. I sent him an email once after our conversation but never heard back and don't remember seeing him in any of the trips back to Costco.
When he said, "Hey I remember you" and we started talking, I was surprised. It's been a year. I'm Joe Everyman. I don't even have a tattoo. But God opens doors right (1 Cor 16:9)?
He's still a student studying for premed at Collin. I hope to get to know him better. Pray for this.
Its made me think of the value of returning to the same places regularly and getting to know folks in hopes of sharing the gospel. Dever is strong on this...
tell someone today...
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Help in 24...
Maybe it's the early morning. Maybe it's the atmosphere. Maybe it's the workout clothes. Maybe it's the "You have what it takes" slogans. Maybe it's the feeling of walking into a realm of frozen time--where I'm back in high school baseball off-season--with only the interruptions of "Total Access" from the NFL station reminding me it's 2009. Whatever it is, I never quite feel on my game. I don't have much of a burden for the lost nor much desire to get to know folks I'm battling Frisco restaurants with.
Well, the past two mornings the Lord helped me. Yesterday instead of ducking the church invite cards I gave one to the lady welcoming me and invited her to church. However, although it was genuine, it felt very awkward. I fumbled over my words and felt like my smile was a bit happy-clappy evangelical. The card weighed 35 pounds, but the Lord helped me.
This morning it was much easier. Different gal. Very joyful. I invited her to church and learned she went down the street to CrossRidge. A great church. We chatted briefly. She said "enjoy your workout." I once again said, "you too." [dummy]
Thanks for praying. It was tiny trusting...but it was a win.
However, where I need to grow is in reaching out to some of the folks working out. I find it much easier to talk to someone working than a dude that looks like he could squash me. There are a few guys that look like they could bench press Rhode Island that I was working out close to today. For a brief moment (can we say nano-second) I thought about engaging in a conversation but feel at a total loss on how to do so--the prospect feels as distant as me looking like one of those guys someday.
Pray for boldness...
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Loving Mormon Missionaries
They are broken for them to believe the gospel of the glory of Christ. The Christ whose glory is not a better version of us--but is set apart in unique holiness (John 1:1). The Christ that is equal with the Father and therefore able to reconcile us to God through his atoning sacrifice on the cross and justifying resurrection (Heb 9;14). The Christ whose glory shines through His perfectly preserved word without mixture of error or need for revision or restoration (Jude 1:12; 2 Tim 3:16).
I was literally there just to be a fly on the wall and learn from my friends.
You see if you want to learn how talk to Mormon's you need to take a class in Jonathon 101. He is a former Mormon and knows how to humbly address the Mormon doctrine in light of Scripture. Moreover, for those who know Aaron--he's no slouch either and knows how to speak the truth in genuine love.
I'll leave the content of the conversation to Jonathon, but here are some things I took away from the evening...
1. The gospel of God's love (Eph 2:4; Acts 20:24) must be proclaimed through love. I'm not talking about acting loving in order to get a point across--but through the genuine love God has given us for those we're sharing with. Jonathan and Aaron modeled that. They prepared food for their guests. They bought an Edward's pie. They made coffee (just kidding--that was for me). They gave them gift bags filled with books! They desired to get to know them--their family--their interests--their history. I was humbled and challenged to see the level of Christ-like love on display.
2. Mormons believe in a different Jesus. I know you know that but really get that. For all the adopted Christianese--Jesus remains created by the Father as we are. He's only a better version of us. His life and death is a great example of intense morality--but something we can match in our own process of exaltation. His death on the cross is not absolutely necessary for our salvation--for we save ourselves through the rigors of morality. Bottom line--our Mormon friends are blinded by the god of this age (2 Cor 4:4) to glory of the worth of Christ and lean their full weight on the false hope of their personal goodness before a Holy Judge. The consequences couldn't be more serious (John 3:36).
3. God loves Mormons. Every Mormon was created and fashioned by God (Ps. 139; Acts 17:28). He loves them more than I could ever imagine for He is love (1 John 4:8). Jesus died that the gospel would be freely proclaimed to every bishop, every missionary, every little boy and girl. He doesn't desire any Mormon to perish (2 Peter 3:9) and takes no delight in punishing those reject the the Son (Ez. 33:11). Moreover, Christ makes his appeals of repentance and faith in Him through us (2 Cor. 5:20)--sinners who know what it's like to be rescued from eating the slop of self-sufficiency every day. I watched the One who wept over Jerusalem appeal through these men in a living room over pie.
4. Mormonism is not unique. When I see the intricate structure, the buddy systems, the scripts--I sometimes wonder if engaging with Mormons is really worth it. I think, "at the end of the day--will it really matter?" But this just exposes my unbelief in the power of the gospel (Rom 1:18). Mormons are blinded by morality--but not more blinded than I once was--or more blinded than the sea of the religious lost of north Dallas. God can turn the lights on in a moment. Moreover, we aren't going to catch a disease--for we already have it. However--they could hear of the One who has healed us and can deliver them.
May the Lord send us out with more joy, more strategy, more sacrifice based on better promises, a better hope from a resurrected and reigning Lord.
Friday, July 31, 2009
We went through the drive through.
"Hey Nate. Give them this booklet and and tell them, 'hey you know that refreshing water next to the window for sale? We offer you the water of life through Jesus for free!"
"Are you serious?" [great question]
"of course not..." [I really was kidding]
We talked to him for about a minute and gave him an invite to church in a Quest for Joy...
It wasn't wild man--but it was us. It was genuine. Good times...
Thursday, July 30, 2009
You've Got to Try This...
Yesterday I purposed to go to through a drive-thru and attempt something recommended by Steve Sjogren. I went through a drive-thru to pay for the people behind me and give them a booklet and invite to church.
I chose Taco Bell (...I somehow felt led to the most inexpensive place for my first attempt).
I ordered a couple of tacos. My total: $2.04. I went to the window and paid. I was thankful to see the lady was cheerful. I noticed there were two guys in a pick-up truck behind me. I thought honestly, "man...I hope their order is not like $15 bucks."
"...Have the guys behind me ordered?"
"uh...yes they've ordered."
"I'd like to pay for their meal as well."
She seemed surprised but said it was fine. She took my card, and my "Quest for Joy" with an invite to church to give to the guys behind me.
Their total: $5.78 [yeessss...]
As I drove off I saw her her smiling and explaining what the car in front did. I have no idea what their response was but at the end of the day I was encouraged by the only response I imagined they could have given.
"Wow. thanks. that's great." I hope that they took a second look at the literature and card.
I know it's just Taco Bell. I know it's 5 bucks, but it left me thinking about the demonstrated power of God's love in us for the lost (a love that is burdened for its fulfillment in Christ) as a means through which power of the gospel gains a hearing (Acts 4:29-31). Maybe it's not as dramatic as a healing we see in Acts--but then, maybe to some in a drive-by culture it is.
I do believe the love of God demonstrated to others (Sjogren will call this the Spirit's fruit of kindness--different from the world's understanding of merely being nice) incarnates the message we proclaim. Loving deeds pointing to loving truths. The more I consider it, the more I see the need for it in my life.
Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth. (1 John 3:18)
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Missed an Opportunity at 24 Hour
For two days I've grabbed my Grace Church invite cards and kept them in the pouch where my member card goes but I've not given them out to anyone. I find it very difficult in a gym to pause--pray--be open to getting to know someone. Most of the time I'm consumed with getting in, getting out, getting gone.
This morning the lady at the counter took my badge to scan my card and couldn't because of the stack of cards covering the bar code. I quickly apologized and pulled the 4-5 obstacles out of the clear badge so she could scan it in.
"Have a good workout."
" too." [nevermind you're working and folks who work in 24 Hour Fitness don't work out all day]
Only a faint thought crossed my mind that I had an opportunity to invite her to church right there--maybe even share the gospel. I was consumed with moving on, moving past, getting my workout in.
Pray that I'll have faith for the gospel to speed on and triumph in 24 Hour. Seems to be a hard place for me to think outward, and trust in the Lord. I likely need to get past the unbelief that there's no openness to the gospel there--that God isn't at work in thousands of ways in the folks in the gym.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
His Strength in KFC...
You been there?
Lack of time in the word and prayer today left my soul feeling lean. The leanness that allows you to function--even well at times--but not thrive. Moreover, the hours leading up to dinner, clean up, bed time, spankings, left me feeling dry. Even listening to Driscoll rant about religion prior to Michelle's request, and Fee singing about being redeemed on the drive over didn't fuel faith. I was in the dry land. I know that place.
I asked the Lord to help me on the drive over. Really help. It wasn't glamorous or heroic. It was weak and desperate.
The Starbucks looked happening when I drove up. Outside a family enjoyed their drinks and a couple a smoke. I thought, "okay, I could walk around and give everyone an invite card--just leave it at that." But...I...just didn't want to. I could feel my legs get numb over that one.
I ordered my wife her favorite--a grande-skinny-decaf-hazelnut-latte (awesome) and an Americano for myself. I asked how everyone was doing and learned that the young lady at the counter was working on her birthday. What felt unusually difficult was inviting her and her friend to Grace Church. I felt like the tin man in The Wizard of Oz when he needs oil.
She seemed surprised and mentioned that she'd look into it. I doctored my drink and left--I contemplated going over to the couple but as I delayed--saw them get into their car and head out.
As I got in my van to drive off something of the familiar happened. Grace. Suddenly I felt burdened for the area. My eyes could see people everywhere again. I drove past the KFC and noticed what looked like a young man sitting by himself. I decided to stop in and say something to the guy. As I walked in to the empty KFC I noticed the figure was actually a boy--probably of someone working. I decided to order a drink (unneeded btw) and invite someone to church. I met a great gal there and invited her to Grace Church. I gave her a card. Right then 2 other employees (friends of hers) walked over and mused over the plain white business card.
"Hey--you guys need this...this is a church," she told the others.
"I have a church," one responded. The other just stared at the card.
"You guys have a church you go to?" [safe launching pad for further conversation]
They said they didn't. The girl asked about the times and her need to find a local church.
"Well, we'd love to have you...if you come don't worry about getting all cleaned up and dressed up--we're all sinners who have been changed because of Jesus Christ. That's it." [seems the Driscoll message paid off] She looked genuinely surprised.
Right about here the two guys left. "Well...that's good," she said. She said she'd consider coming. I was able to go through a few pages of the "How Good Are You?" booklet with her. The Lord gave me his heart for her. I hope I see her tomorrow.
Very thankful for what this taught me. At the end of the day (especially a dry day) it's Christ in us that we're to depend on--not our bravery--or self-sufficiency--or great feelings. There's no hope in that. No glory there (Col. 1:27). He empowers us to proclaim his gospel--even when we've neglected Him--this is the power of Christ at KFC.
"For when I am weak, then I am strong" (2 Cor. 12:10)
Friday, July 24, 2009
Gospel and Guacamole
Our waiter was a hard working guy who is not attending a church but has lots of family that go to evangelical churches and Catholic ones as well. His profession was that he has given his life to the Lord but not involved in a church. We invited him out to Grace.
God gave grace to go through the "How Good Are You?" booklet with him. I knew he couldn't stop and dialogue about each page, but I was surprised when he leaned in to go over it. I was able to walk through each page in about 30 seconds. I've never done that before. Michelle jumped in with eagerness and joy. Love sharing the gospel with my wife!
I was amazed at how easy that was. Not always the case.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
The Mormon jesus Over a Smoke...
Yesterday evening I was heading out the door and turned my head wondering if anyone was out at the smoking area picnic table at our office complex. It was around 6pm so I didn’t think anyone would be there. When I saw two ladies smoking I was surprised and a little disappointed. I battled my desire to move on but felt the Lord saying to go. Lacking a strong desire to step out and feeling helpless to know what to say I walked out to the ladies and started a conversation.
[something like] “You guys getting a smoke in?” I was surprised by their warmness and their welcome. They told me they were friends just catching up on life and asked if I worked there. I told them that our church office is on the first floor and I wanted to invite them to church.
As I handed them a “How Good Are You?” booklet and a Grace Church card, one of the ladies said very graciously, “thank you, I actually do have a church I attend. I’m a Mormon.”
She was one of the nicest ladies I’ve ever met. She went on to talk about how she was raised Baptist and became a Mormon 18 years ago. She tired from the constant rededications and was thankful that “wisdom” had been revealed to her through the Mormon church. She also talked about family and the strong values held by the church. She talked about her son who is serving as a missionary. She beamed with the love of a mom when she thought of how hard he’s working—even through insults and physical threats. She talked about the Father and his love for the whole world. She talked about her relationship with Jesus. She assured me that Mormons are Christians who believe the Bible—but that they believe there is simply more revelation given to us.
I’ve studied Mormonism from a distance but have limited experience in sharing the gospel with Mormons. Instantly I was engaged in the difficulty of clarifying the differences in her understanding while at the same time maintaining a dialogue and conversation. She mentioned past encounters of Christians “bashing” her beliefs. I thought of Randy Newman’s approach.
“I have a friend who used to be a Mormon. Help me understand. How is a Mormon saved from their sins?”
She instantly said that “repentance” was the key—all someone needed to do to avoid hell is to repent. All people when they die are given an opportunity to repent and that only a few people ever really end up in hell. I talked to her about how 11 out of the 12 times “hell” is mentioned in the Bible it came from Jesus. I asked her what she thought of John 3:36 where in the context of speaking of God’s love, he warns that God’s wrath “remains” on those who do not believe in the Son. She said her revelation helps her to interpret that differently .
“I don’t want to misrepresent you—so tell me if I’ve got it wrong. It sounds like your ‘feelings’ are your ultimate authority and not the word of God.”
Her friend who is an agnostic and listening patiently said, “I don’t think that’s what she’s saying.” She agreed. She said that she does believe Jesus’ words are important and admitted not knowing the Bible—but that God gives special revelation.
At some point I asked, “Is God a trinity?"
She graciously but firmly said, “no way.” She said Mormons do not believe that. She said, “God is not three in one.”
“Did the Father create the Son?”
“So Jesus is a creature?”
“…no…he’s not a creature…he is a god.”
“..but he is created?”
“is the Holy Spirit God?”
She and her friend are open to continuing the conversation. I was thankful to the Lord that for the ease of conversation—and for His grace to not go on a defense or do all the talking. Pray for a doorway for hearing the gospel (2 Thess 3:1).
I left burdened for her and for all of Frisco. The “jesus” she described was not much different than the way many describe him even in the evanjellyfish world—but he’s not the Jesus of Scripture. The offensive message of the gospel is that salvation from our sins is found in the Messiah as recorded in the Bible—not a “jesus” made in our image or revelation or any other person’s gospel—no matter how sincere (Gal. 1:8-9). If Jesus is not equal with the Father in holiness, atonement for our sins and reconciliation with the Father is not possible (Heb 9:14).
Remember Paul’s words from 2 Cor 4:4 “…the god of this world has blinded the minds of unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of…”
From seeing the light of what? A great family structure? Fantastic morality? The joy of serving others? The need for every person to repent?
No. This is not the light of the gospel. Satan's blinding ministry is a shielding of their eyes from seeing the light of the “glory of Christ (v. 4, 6).” This glory does not shine forth from our nudges, our impressions, or golden tablets in Egyptian hieroglyphics—but from Scripture (Ps. 19:7-11; 2 Tim 3:16-17; Matt 5:17-19; John 14:10; 24). Reject the glory of the written word and you reject the glory of the Living Word.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Craig and the Rough Riders game...

Since my wife is visiting family in Houston with the kids I've been staying in the Cabaniss home for a few days eating their Frosted Flakes and trying to keep my room clean. I've had a blast hearing everyone talk sports during the Espy awards Sunday night, the latest in music (starting to feel old and boring) and playing some new Mario game on their Wii with his son Kevin and his friend visiting from San Diego (I won a couple on my first try...i need a Wii).
Last night they invited me along for a Frisco Rough Rider's game. It was a beautiful night at an uncrowded ballpark. We were told they sell out on Fridays, but Tuesday's are empty. When we got inside we noticed one of the guys signing autographs and virtually no line--outfielder Tim Smith.
The conversation went something like this..
Rob: "Check that out. We should give that guy a card and invite that guy to church" [really just kidding]
Craig: [laughter]
God: " guy go do it."
Rob: [ohh..uhh..okay...why not]
Rob: "I don't have an invite you have a card?"
Craig: (Jokingly) "Oh man...the guy that headed up FPU and outreach both pays with credit card then doesn't have an invite to church. Wait till this gets out." Fishing in wallet, "looks like I don't have one either."
Rob: [handing the program to Tim] "hey how you doing?"
Tim: [taking program] "Great..."
Rob: "Do you live in this Frisco?"
Tim: "...actually live in Richardson."
Rob: "Do you have a church you go to out there?"
Tim: "Yeah...I do..."
Rob: [aware of the humor] "me and this other guy behind me are pastors at a church here in's called Grace Church. We'd love to have you out some time."
Tim: "oh...thanks...Sundays are sometimes a challenge with games an all."
Rob: "does your church do a Saturday night service you go to."
Tim: " Sunday morning."
Rob: "thanks a lot."
The Rough Riders won. It was a great game. Filled up on peanuts and diet Dr. Pepper. Noticed Tim was born in 1986 which made me wonder why I was intimidated. I was playing Zelda when he was born.
I wish I had remembered to grab a booklet and some invites before I left the house. You never know when an opportunity to invite someone to church where they will hear the gospel.
Tell someone today...
Monday, July 20, 2009
Restroom Encounter...
After chatting about that for a moment I said, "this might sound strange but I serve at a church [glad I didn't say pastor--lame and unnecessary] and wondered if you knew Jesus as your Lord and Savior." [...thought about how Piper inserts "Treasure"]
"Yes...I do."
"Great. Do you go to a church around here?" [I wanted to flesh that out and see if talking about church we could get at some beliefs.]
"It's hard to describe in English (he is Hispanic), but it's...Christian." I asked if it was Catholic and he said it was not--and that they meet on Wednesdays and Sundays.
Right about now a guy dressed biz/casual walked in and I became immediately aware of my desire to stop the conversation and move on. We kept chatting but I thought in complete unbelief, "this dude that just walked in is hearing this and is prob a Christian and will think I'm over-the-top attacking the guy who is stuck cleaning his cards and avoid me like the plague." The Lord gave me grace...
"How long have you been a Christian?" [trying to hear how he came to faith--when did regeneration happen etc.]
"since birth--since growing up."
[something like] "Do you believe you have to repent and turn to Jesus? Does your church have baptism for those who trust in Jesus?" [prob too many questions]
"is this the same for you?" [couldn't tell if he was asking how I came to faith or if our church is like his but I thought it would be good to give him a "How Good Are You?" booklet since I could share the gospel is what our church is about.]
"'s what our church believes (handing him a booklet). You may not need this but you can give this away" [ time..."I need this message every day...take a read and give it away."]
I felt like I could have gone further in the conversation but found myself ending it here and saying goodbye aware of the guy a few feet away--aware that he was going to need a sink and we were going to make him uncomfortable. Left the conversation with open loops. Thankful for God's grace. Felt the Lord's heart for the lost and glad to be made aware (once again) that affluence (or the appearance thereof) can tempt me to shut down and not move forward in love.